MEDIA RELEASE: Wasted Opportunities for Recovering Resources

MEDIA RELEASE: Wasted Opportunities for Recovering Resources

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE MEDIA RELEASE IN PDF FORMAT This year, the National Waste and Recycling Industry Council (NWRIC) is calling for governments and businesses to transform the way we look at waste in Australia, shifting focus on how it can be recovered into new...

NWRIC feedback to the Landfill Gas Method Reform

NWRIC feedback to the Landfill Gas Method Reform

The National Waste and Recycling Industry Council is assessing the proposed Landfill Gas Method Reforms but has identified significant concerns that cannot be supported by industry.   Click here to download the NWRIC Summary Document

REPORT: GHG Emissions in Australia’s Waste and Recycling Sector

REPORT: GHG Emissions in Australia’s Waste and Recycling Sector

NWRIC engaged Ricardo Energy Environment and Planning to quantify the current level of direct (scope 1), indirect (scope 2), and avoided GHG emissions associated with the waste and recycling sector in Australia. This work will help establish the current waste sector’s...