by NWRIC Secretariat | 22 Jan 2024 | News
The National Waste and Recycling Industry Council (Council) made this submission for a priority policy change in the 2024-25 Budget process to stop the introduction of a cost recovery for the waste exports licencing scheme. Click here to download the...
by NWRIC Secretariat | 15 Nov 2023 | News
NWRIC engaged Ricardo Energy Environment and Planning to quantify the current level of direct (scope 1), indirect (scope 2), and avoided GHG emissions associated with the waste and recycling sector in Australia. This work will help establish the current waste sector’s...
by NWRIC Secretariat | 14 Nov 2023 | News
In March 2020, the Australian, State and Territory Governments, and the Australian Local Government Association, as members of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreed that the export of waste of glass, plastic (including processed engineered fuel), tyres...
by NWRIC Secretariat | 13 Nov 2023 | News
Recently the National Waste and Recycling Industry Council (NWRIC) and the Australian Steel Institute called for a national ban on the export of unprocessed scrap metal. The call for change is premised on the onshoring of Australian company processing of ferrous scrap...
by NWRIC Secretariat | 20 Mar 2023 | News
The ACCC is seeking input on ways to reduce the significant fire and safety risks associated with lithium-ion batteries, which can overheat or explode, particularly when used, charged or stored incorrectly. An issues paper published on 8 December, will help the ACCC...
by NWRIC Secretariat | 6 Mar 2023 | News
NWRIC has written to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water expressing strong support of the review of the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Determination 2008 (NGERs (Measurement) Determination) methods for solid...