The NWRIC, with assistance of MRA Consulting, has been funded by the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment to develop national recycled material specifications for material recycling facilities (including sorting, primary and secondary processors).

Specifications for plastics, paper, glass, metals, and organics coming through the Municipal Solid Waste collection stream will be developed in consultation with end users (e.g., manufacturers, construction, farmers) and the recycling sector (sorters and processors).

This is one of three projects being led by the Department to drive greater resource recovery and increase the use of recovered materials. The other two projects being the development of a national accreditation or certification scheme for Australian recyclers led by ACOR and the harmonisation of state kerbside recycling collections being led by DAWE in collaboration with state and territory governments.


Project brief (doc)

Webinar Presentation


Online Survey Link please review the webinar Presentation, relevant specifications listed below, and the project brief before completing the survey.


Below is the current list of specifications being considered. Click on the specification name to view the actual specification. Material flow pathways showing where each specification sits in the recycling supply chain is available in the Webinar Presentation

Sorter Specifications
Material Product/Output Example Specifications (Click on specification name to view details)
Glass Glass cullet Unbeneficiated Cullet Specifications (Glass)
Glass fines
Plastic Food Grade Bales (PET, HDPE) Baled clear PET bottles
Baled coloured and thermoformed PET
Baled rigid HDPE natural food grade
Guidelines for Plastic Scrap: P-2020, Scrap
Page 35-44
HDPE colour bottles (Grade A), HDPE natural bottles (Grade A), PET bottles (Grade A).
Non-food grade bales (PET, HDPE, LDPE, PP, PVC, mixed plastics, etc) Baled rigid HDPE all colours
Baled coloured and thermoformed PET
Baled coloured PP
Baled clear polyethylene (PE) film
Baled coloured PE film
Pet Container Specification
HDPE Bottle Recyclate Feedstock Specifications
Post-Consumer PVC Bottles Bale Specifications for Recyclate Feedstock
LLDPE and LDPE Film Recyclate Feedstock Specifications
Model Bale Specifications: PP Small Rigid Plastics
Model Bale Specifications: 3-7 Bottles and ALL Other Rigid Plastics
Model Bale Specifications: 1-7 ALL Rigid Plastics
Model Bale Specifications: PE Clear Film
Model Bale Specifications: LDPE Coloured Film
Guidelines for Plastic Scrap: P-2020, Scrap
Circular Page 35-44
HDPE Injection Bulky rigids, LDPE coloured film, PET thermoforms.
ISO 15270:2008 Plastics — Guidelines for the recovery and recycling of plastics waste
Paper Baled mixed paper (Ex. Cardboard – office white, office coloured and ONP) Soft Mixed, Aus Recovered Paper Specifications
Sorted Office Paper (SOP)
Unsorted Office Paper (UOP)
Baled old corrugated containers (OCC) Old Corrugated Containers, Aus Recovered Paper Specifications
Old Corrugated Containers
Combined OCC and mixed paper Hard Mixed, Aus Recovered Paper Specifications
Metal Non-ferrous scrap Used beverage containers specifications (Aluminium)
Post-consumer aluminium can scrap
Baled aluminium used beverage can (UBC) scrap
Post consumer aluminium foil
Ferrous scrap Steel can specifications
Steel can bundles


Processor Specifications
Material Product/Output Example Specifications (Click on specification name to view details) Publisher
Glass Beneficiated glass Beneficiated Cullet Specifications (Glass) ACOR
Washed glass sand/fine aggregate Specifications for Recycled Crushed Glass as an Engineering Material ARRB
Registration of Crushed Rock Mixes Vicroads
Transport and Main Roads Specifications MRT S35 Recycled Glass Aggregate The State of Queensland (Department of Transport and Main Roads)
The recovered glass sand order 2014 NSW EPA
WSAA PS – 368 Recycled Glass Sand for Pipe Embedment WSAA
Plastic Food grade flakes/pellet (single polymer) PET hot washed flake APCO
Natural HDPE flake for food grade applications APCO
ISO 15270:2008 Plastics — Guidelines for the recovery and recycling of plastics waste ISO
Non-food grade flakes/pellet Coloured PET cold washed flake APCO
Coloured HDPE flake APCO
Cold washed coloured recycled PP flake APCO
Export Densified Foamed Polystyrene Expanded Polystyrene Aus
ISO 15270:2008 Plastics — Guidelines for the recovery and recycling of plastics waste ISO
Paper Recovered Paper (household) categories:
Soft mixed
Hard mixed
Kerbside newspapers
Kerbside newspapers #7
News, de-inked quality #8
Old Corrugated Containers (OCC)
Australian Recovered paper Specifications ACOR
Metal Shredded non-ferrous material Shredded aluminium used beverage can (UBC) scrap ISRI
Densified aluminium used beverages (UBC) scrap ISRI
Briquetted aluminium used beverage can (UBC) scrap ISRI
Shredded ferrous material Guidelines for Ferrous Scrap: FS-2020, page 19 ISRI
Guidelines for Ferrous Scrap: FS-2020, page 19 ISRI
Organics Compost/Mulch AS 4454-2012 Standards Australia
NSW EPA Resource Recovery Order & Exemption: Pasteurised Garden Organics 2016 NSW EPA
Product Specifications and Application Guidelines for Compost Mulches for Orchard Production in NSW Department of Environment and Conservation (NSW)
Standard for the production and use of Waste Derived Soil Enhancer EPA, SA
NSW EPA Resource Recovery Order & Exemption: Mulch 2016 NSW EPA
NSW EPA Resource Recovery Order & Exemption: Compost 2016 NSW EPA
PAS110:2014 Specification for whole digestate British Standards Institution (BSI)