NWRIC’S position on CDS clear
NWRIC CEO Rose Read has penned a piece in the latest edition of Waste Management Review on the importance of best practice in delivering performance and innovation for Container Deposit Schemes (CDS).
The article, Best practice delivers performance and innovation for CDS which was published in the October edition of the magazine, highlights the importance for the Victorian and Tasmanian governments now considering Container Deposit Schemes to learn from existing state and territory schemes.
Given the community reach, environmental benefits and involvement of the hundreds of local councils, charities, collection and recycling businesses and beverage companies, it is critical that the Victorian and Tasmanian Governments get the CDS governance right
Ennsuring regulatory and operational consistency with existing schemes is essential, not least because it removes administrative duplication, creates cost efficiencies and drives innovation.
The principles of transparency, fairness and equity must also be applied and the NSW Government approach of separating the roles of network operator (s) and scheme coordinator clearly delivers this.
Western Australia’s regulated container deposit scheme kicked off on 1 October, joining SA, the NT, NSW, the ACT and Queensland.
Major importers sign up to battery recycling scheme
Following the recent announcement by the ACCC of an authorised national scheme for managing the recycling of batteries, the NWRIC is pleased to learn that major battery importers, Energizer and Duracell have confirmed their support and participation in the Battery Stewardship Scheme.
Congratulations to the Battery Stewardship Council (BSC), Consumer Electronics Suppliers Association (CESA), Minister Ley and Assistance Minister Evans for finding a way forward.
The signing up of these two major battery importers is a positive step and crucial to ensuring the success of the scheme.
“It is essential that at least 80% of the battery industry participate in this voluntary scheme to ensure its success,” Ms Read said.
“Batteries should not be disposed of in red and yellows bins as they can create fires, putting the community and our waste and recycling staff at risk. By establishing a separate collection and recycling pathway for the community the human health and environmental benefits gained will be substantial.”
The NWRIC is keen to see the scheme implemented as soon as possible and strongly encourages the BSC to seek voluntary accreditation once up and running to prevent free-riders.
The NWRIC looks forward to working with the BSC in fast tracking the recycling program’s implementation.
Victorian Government seeking feedback on proposed Waste Authority and Waste and Recycling Act
Off the back of releasing their Recycling Victoria strategy toward reforming waste and recycling in February this year, the Victorian government recently released its options paper Waste and recycling legislation and governance for feedback.
The NWRIC supports the Victorian Government in their venture of directing the State’s waste and recycling toward a circular economy. Creating a safe, fair and sustainable waste and recycling industry is essential.
NWRIC will be making a submission in response to the options paper in consultation with our state affiliate the Victorian Waste Management Association (VWMA).
Waste and recycling businesses are encouraged to consider the options paper and to either share their feedback either directly via the Victorian Government’s online portal or via the VWMA (Alex Serpo alex@vta.com.au) or NWRIC (Rose Read ceo@nwric.com.au