Updated 23 March 2020

With the shutdown of some non-essential services over the next 24 hours Australia-wide, the waste and recycling industry will increase efforts to ensure it can maintain an essential service to the community.

The National Waste & Recycling Industry Council (NWRIC) which represents both national waste and recycling companies, and state and territory affiliates said they are doing everything possible to ensure that bins will continue to be collected and waste and recycling safely processed during these extreme times. 

CEO of the NWRIC, Rose Read said, “our members and state affiliates have been actively adopting measures over the past few weeks to protect their staff and maintain services to local communities, businesses and the health sector”.

“However, like all businesses the waste and recycling sector is experiencing financial stress as business customers shut-down, demand reduces and segments of the economy slow.   

Therefore the NWRIC is calling on state governments to provide waste and landfill levy relief to affected businesses within the sector.

“Specifically, we are asking state governments to waiver landfill levy doubtful debts, put on hold all planned levy increases for six months and where appropriate consider waiving current waste and landfill levies for affected businesses over the next three months, Ms Read said.

“We are also asking state and local governments to be more flexible on certain facility license conditions so that social distancing to protect staff can be maintained and collection time curfews be lifted so that bins can continue to be collected”.

The NWRIC acknowledges the substantial support the Commonwealth and State governments have announced so far for businesses.

Media Contacts

Rose Read – NWRIC CEO – 0418 216 364  – ceo@nwric.com.au

The National Waste and Recycling Industry Council (NWRIC) is funded by the major national waste and recycling businesses operating in Australia. It’s core purpose is to represent its members priorities to the government and promote their contribution to the community, environment and the economy.  Founding members Cleanaway, JJ Richards and Sons, Solo Resource Recovery, Sims Metal Management, Remondis, ResourceCo and Veolia own and operate the majority of waste management and recycling trucks and facilities in Australia. The Council works closely with its state and territory affiliates WRIQ, WCRA, VWMA, WRISA, WRIWA and WRINT who collectively represent over 450 waste and recycling businesses.
