MEDIA RELEASE: Wasted Opportunities for Recovering Resources
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE MEDIA RELEASE IN PDF FORMAT This year, the National Waste and Recycling Industry Council (NWRIC) is calling for governments and businesses to transform the way we look at waste in Australia, shifting focus on how it can be recovered into new...
NWRIC Submission into Reform Option for ACCU Scheme Landfill Gas Methods
The National Waste and Recycling Industry Council (Council) has made a submission in response to the Department’s Options Paper on reform options to the ACCU Scheme Landfill Gas Methods. Click here to download the submission Click here to access the Reform...
NWRIC feedback to the Landfill Gas Method Reform
The National Waste and Recycling Industry Council is assessing the proposed Landfill Gas Method Reforms but has identified significant concerns that cannot be supported by industry. Click here to download the NWRIC Summary Document
NWRIC response to Senate Environment and Communication References Committee, Inquiry into waste reduction and recycling policies
The National Waste and Recycling Industry Council (Council) submitted this response to the Senate Environment and Communication References Committee Inquiry into waste reduction and recycling policies, Click here to download the submission
NWRIC on ABC Brisbane Mornings [26 Feb 2024]: Proposed Recycling Tax
National Waste and Recycling Industry Council CEO, Rick Ralph, speaks with Steve Austin on ABC Brisbane about the proposed recycling tax. Click here to listen on ABC Brisbane Mornings (interview starts at 12 mins 20 seconds)
NWRIC on 2GB [26 Feb 2024]: ‘Completely unnecessary’ – Aussies set to be slapped with new recycling tax
National Waste and Recycling Industry Council CEO, Rick Ralph, speaks with Ben Fordham on 2GB about the proposed recycling tax . Click here to listen on 2GB Ben Fordham Live
NWRIC makes Pre Budget-Submission to Federal Government advocating against proposed ‘Recycling Tax’.
The National Waste and Recycling Industry Council (Council) made this submission for a priority policy change in the 2024-25 Budget process to stop the introduction of a cost recovery for the waste exports licencing scheme. Click here to download the submission
REPORT: GHG Emissions in Australia’s Waste and Recycling Sector
NWRIC engaged Ricardo Energy Environment and Planning to quantify the current level of direct (scope 1), indirect (scope 2), and avoided GHG emissions associated with the waste and recycling sector in Australia. This work will help establish the current waste sector’s...
REPORT: Economic Cost of Australia’s Paper and Cardboard Waste Export Restrictions
In March 2020, the Australian, State and Territory Governments, and the Australian Local Government Association, as members of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreed that the export of waste of glass, plastic (including processed engineered fuel), tyres...
REPORT: Economic and Environment Benefits from an Australian Unprocessed Ferrous Scrap Metal Export Ban
Recently the National Waste and Recycling Industry Council (NWRIC) and the Australian Steel Institute called for a national ban on the export of unprocessed scrap metal. The call for change is premised on the onshoring of Australian company processing of ferrous scrap...